Time for Libertarians and Conservatives To Come Together

The primaries are over. The Conventions are over. We are left with two choices. Romney on the squishy right-center, and Obama on the hard left. Neither is a great choice, but Obama is a horrible choice. We do not need an expansion of socialism. It is already ruining us, $16 TRILLION in debt, and counting.

Regardless, many Libertarians are threatening to stay home, and not vote, which could hand a second term to the Communist in Chief. To what end?

I found a great article on Breitbart today that helps a lot. I hope that many of you actually read it, and absorb the message. Read it here.

The Amatuer, a Review

As you know, I am not a qualified book reviewer. My lens is way too small, and too conservative. That said, I read Ed Kleins book – The Amateur, and heartily recommend it.

It is not at all balanced. It is highly tilted toward the Jewish State, but it is a fair evaluation of Obama, his rise, tenure, and plans ahead.

It is also a forecast of the dire circumstances that could come with his re-election.

There is no link to this one. Go to Newsmax or Regenery Publishing for a good deal on the book.